Alliance Partners

The In Care Survivors Alliance is made up of four partner organisations. Staff from each of these organisations are part of the Alliance Leadership Team. They are also on the Delivery Teams of both Future Pathways and Redress Support Service.

Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service

Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service (also known as The Anchor) is a mental health team. They are a tertiary level team which means they provide highly specialised treatment. The team works with people who are significantly impacted by Complex PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) or complicated trauma presentations.

The Anchor is a psychology-led service. It is part of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP). 

Staff from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are part of the Alliance Leadership Team and the Delivery Teams. Their role in the Alliance includes: 

  • Governance
  • Risk and fiscal policies and procedures
  • Promoting and embedding trauma-informed practice
  • Clinical supervision
  • Teaching and training for staff

They also provide robust psychological assessments to people registered with Future Pathways. This ensures that the service can recommend quality and evidence-based psychological treatments and interventions.

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Health in Mind 

Health in Mind is one of Scotland’s best-known and trusted mental health charities. Founded in 1982, the charity promotes positive mental health and wellbeing in local communities across Scotland.

Through support, collaborations, campaigns and resources, Health in Mind builds hope, resilience and understanding of mental health and wellbeing.

People describe Health in Mind’s approach as special and unique – the ‘Health in Mind way’.

Within the In Care Survivors Alliance, Health in Mind uses skills, knowledge and experience to provide:

  • Support Coordination
  • Communication and Engagement
  • Delivery Partner contracting

Penumbra Mental Health

Penumbra Mental Health is a pioneering charity providing dedicated services for people with mild to serious and enduring mental ill health.

Staff support people on their journey to better mental health, by working with each person to find their own way forward.

The power of people’s lived experience enables Penumbra Mental Health to provide pioneering services which transform lives.

Their vision is that people live with positive mental wellbeing and can easily access the best possible support when they need it.

Penumbra Mental Health has been a Partner of the In Care Survivors Alliance since the Alliance started.

Their role in Future Pathways is to support the service with impact evaluation and continuous improvement.

Their role in the Redress Support Service is to:

  • Provide tailored trauma-informed support from our Link Workers
  • Monitor the impact of the service and evaluate the service

The work of the Alliance has made a positive difference to many people who experienced in-care abuse. Penumbra Mental Health is committed to continuing to support this work moving forward.

Scottish Government

The In Care Survivors Alliance is fully funded by Scottish Government. It is part of a wider strategy developed by Scottish Government to address the legacy of abuse in Scotland.

In 2015, the Scottish Government committed to establishing a dedicated In Care Survivors Support Fund. This would enable people to access services across a wide range of health and wellbeing domains. It would also support people to lead more full, healthy and independent lives. 

Scottish Government also developed the Survivors Scotland Strategic Outcomes Framework. This led to the creation of Future Pathways in 2016.

In January 2022, the In Care Survivors Alliance accepted oversight of the Redress Support Service. This service was set up to support people applying to Scotland’s Redress Scheme.

The Redress Scheme was set up by the Scottish Government to recognise and acknowledge the harm caused to people who have experienced in care abuse and neglect.