Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy

Privacy Policy 

You can read our Privacy Policy here.

Cookies Policy 

Cookies are small text files placed on your computer or mobile device to improve your website experience. 

Each cookie is unique and contains anonymous data like a unique identifier, website name, digits and letters. Cookies allow you to navigate through websites, remember your browsing preferences and help us keep our website secure.  

Types of Cookies 

This section explains the types of cookies our website sets. Apart from Necessary Cookies, all cookies are turned off by default, but you can turn them on when entering the site by clicking ‘Accept all cookies’.

Necessary Cookies: By using our website, you agree that we can set Necessary Cookies. Without these cookies our website will not function. Data protection and privacy laws allow us to set Necessary Cookies without user consent.

Analytics Cookies: We would like your permission to set Analytics Cookies; the anonymous data collected helps us to understand how people use this website. 

To allow us to gather information, we use anonymous data collected by Google Analytics to do this. You can turn on google analytics when you enter the site.

Changing Cookie Settings 

Most web browsers allow you to refuse cookies and advice on how to do this can be found by following these links: